This We Believe...
Kamla Devi Public School provides a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence. All students are challenged to
reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values.
This foundation enables each student to become a well-educated, productive adult able to cope with an ever changing world.
We believe that all learners must become:
Effective Communicators who will use verbal, written, artistic and technological forms of communication to give, send, and receive information.
Inspired Learners who are accountable for demonstrating, assessing, and directing their present and life-long intellectual growth.
Productive Workers who perform collaboratively and independently to create quality products and services that reflect personal pride and responsibility.
Responsible Citizens who have a global and multi-cultural perspective, and who take the initiative for improving the quality of life for self and others.
Resourceful Thinkers who independently and creatively strive to solve complex problems through reflection, risk taking, and critical evaluation.