Behind BMHRC,Chhola Over Bridge Road,Bhopal
Mission Statement
  • This We Believe...
    Kamla Devi Public School provides a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence. All students are challenged to
    reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values.
    This foundation enables each student to become a well-educated, productive adult able to cope with an ever changing world.

    We believe that all learners must become:
  • Effective Communicators who will use verbal, written, artistic and technological forms of communication to give, send, and receive information.
  • Inspired Learners who are accountable for demonstrating, assessing, and directing their present and life-long intellectual growth.
  • Productive Workers who perform collaboratively and independently to create quality products and services that reflect personal pride and responsibility.
  • Responsible Citizens who have a global and multi-cultural perspective, and who take the initiative for improving the quality of life for self and others.
  • Resourceful Thinkers who independently and creatively strive to solve complex problems through reflection, risk taking, and critical evaluation.

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